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タイトル We want to add another sorting rule when we watch Team Datails Table
本文 Some people of Team 2ch make the member ranking. They have been trying to get scores of all Team 2ch members. However, the order of the members whose agents have sent same counts of result back varies whenever we load the Team Datails pages. So thay can hardly get scores of complete members, and hardly make the exact table(s) of member scores ordered by returned-results, point-generated, total CPU time, and so on.
Then, we want to add another sorting rule when we watch Team Datails Table.
For example, I think that sorting by joined-date with ascending order and sub-sorting by another key(s) with specific order is very useful to make ranking tables. Would you like to add such kind of sorting option?
前から解析済みの宿題を提出せずにまたやり直したりなど調子が悪かったのですが、 今日は新しい宿題を貰ったのに「タスクがありません」と言って遂に止まったままに。 UDを再起動してみたら、今度は「Agent is idele to device profile settings」 と言ってまた止まってる…。
>>332 UD MonitorのSettingsタブで「Run UD Agent on start」にチェックが入っているのではないでしょうか? チェックされているとUD Monitor起動時にUD-Agentが立ち上がるため、 スタートアップに登録されているUD-Agentとの2重起動になります。 もしチェックされているのであればチェックを外すかスタートアップからUD-Agentを外すようにしてみてください。
> At a certain point, virtual molecules must give way to the real thing. > Using the newly identified pharmacophore as a new map, a drug company > or research lab will synthesize and test molecules in a lab environment > to analyze non-virtual reactions. However, in this project, all results > from the virtual screening will remain with the University of Oxford > and the NFCR. That is, the rights to the research results remain with > non-profit organizations that are dedicated to cancer research.
> This will mark the beginning of many tests that must take place in > the lab to test a drug and move towards the commercial production > required to help real cancer patients. Identifying molecule interactions > is a good start on the road to a cure, but a good biochemical reaction > isn't all that is needed. The molecules then need to be tested to ensure > that they work with the human body. And they need to be affordable to > synthesize so that a commercial drug can be developed from them.
We will be upgrading the UD Agent on Thursday July 5th at 8am central time. There will likely be an outage for about 4-5 hours. This will only occur if your agent returns work at this time. --------------------
> Due to scheduled maintenance and a planned system > upgrade, access to member services functions is > currently disabled. > > Estimated completion time of the work is > 17:00:00 UTC (1:00 PM EST). > > > > Posted at: 07/05/2001 8:30:00 UTC
Pentium 4 1.80GHz が発表されたようですね。 そういえば、四半期毎に、「 High-end Desktop System 」のデータを 入れかえるとか言ってたから、今度のアップデートで Processor は Pentium 4 1.7GHz になるかもしれませんね。 UD Agent の Help より: In area 1, comparison device reflects the performance of the most powerful PC available at the beginning of the calendar quarter from a commercial PC maker.
Our scheduled upgrade to the UD Agent is taking longer than expected. The delay is the result of a previously unreported bug in a piece of 3rd party database software which is being upgraded. The vendor is working to fix the bug and we expect to bring our servers back online later this evening. Thank you for your continued patience. --------------------
Yesterday, July 5, 2001, we took our servers offline to perform a scheduled software upgrade, unfortunately we encountered a previously unreported bug and were unable to complete the upgrade. All servers were brought back online late last night and are operating normally. The software upgrade will be rescheduled once the bug has been fixed and the software retested. We appreciate your continued patience and apologize for any inconvenience. -------------------- Tim Williams UD Member Services
>>826 しかし、Gap Closed がマイナス値で、しかもその差が拡がっているっていうのが 笑える。 ただし、 >I have found out that a whole 21.3% of members on Team 2ch have >contributed nothing to the team, ってのは、痛いところを突いている。
We have rescheduled a planned system upgrade for Monday, July 9, 2001. Your access to member services functions and UD Agent downloads is currently disabled. We expect to have the upgrade completed by 21:00:00 UTC (5:00 PM EDT). When the system upgrade is completed, your UD Agent will automatically download the new files it needs the next time it connects to the server. Thank you for your patience.
[和訳] 私達は、2001年7月9日(月)に、計画されていたシステム改良を再び予定しています。 メンバー・サービス機能、および UD Agent のダウンロードに対して、 あなたのアクセスは現在無効になります。私たちは UTC 時間で21時に改良を完成するつもりです。