i-nori Member Member # 16781 posted July 23, 2001 17:46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi,all. I sent this issue's repro steps to UD Team from UD Web Mail Form on yesterday evening(USA). If you look at this mail , you can know this issue's details.
We found this issue and we use this issue for our score up. But it is wrong. We think that We are very sorry to all UD members.
Name Members Results Points CPU Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Team 2ch 8,260 (+. 9) 527,262 (+6,643) 52,331,314 (+586,065) 713:198:18:12:37
THINK version 1.03g has successfully been released into production. This build should be more stable, and less prone to some of the crashing issues seen in the previous release. There was also a font change which caused display problems for some people.
んー、やはりネイチャーも、ドキュメントにアクセスするには 登録が必要なようです。(無料ではありますが) ちなみに論文のタイトルは " P. Huang et al., "Superoxide dismutase as a target for the selective killing of cancer cells," Nature, 407:390-5, Sept. 21, 2000. "
to all 別件ですが昨日ファイアウォールを入れたら宿題のアップとダウンが出来なくなり,時間を見計らって外したりつけたりしてます。この件に関してこのスレで質問出してよろしいでしょうか。(別板で何本かファイアウォールのスレがあったようですが消滅したものもあり残っているスレも荒れ果てていて質問上げてもまともな返事が返ってきそうもないのです。)