Pentium 4 1.80GHz が発表されたようですね。 そういえば、四半期毎に、「 High-end Desktop System 」のデータを 入れかえるとか言ってたから、今度のアップデートで Processor は Pentium 4 1.7GHz になるかもしれませんね。 UD Agent の Help より: In area 1, comparison device reflects the performance of the most powerful PC available at the beginning of the calendar quarter from a commercial PC maker.
Our scheduled upgrade to the UD Agent is taking longer than expected. The delay is the result of a previously unreported bug in a piece of 3rd party database software which is being upgraded. The vendor is working to fix the bug and we expect to bring our servers back online later this evening. Thank you for your continued patience. --------------------