◇◆◇◆ 最新状況 ◆◇◆◇ Team Name Members Points CPU Time ---------------------------------------------------------------- Team 2ch. 2,220. 65,413. 0:351:18:59:25 A UK PC against Cancer 1,331 792,212. 9:242:00:23:56 TECHSIDE.NET 1,310 347,659. 4:301:16:44:06 Vulture Central II.. 1,168 1,064,506 13:304:13:48:56 AMDZone.com 1,068 843,022 10:038:00:46:36 Black & White. 703. 27,510. 0:124:00:31:53 NCTU Taiwan 684 238,949. 4:094:22:27:34 Intel Against Cancer. 650 910,677 11:246:19:48:11 Hungary. 534 270,729. 3:111:10:49:26 Dutch Power Cows against cancer . 474 340,620. 4:265:23:38:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------- (2001/04/12 22:25 JST) 2位に900近い差を付けて、Team2ch爆走中。TECHSIDE.NETもあと少し。
◇◆◇◆ 最新状況 ◆◇◆◇ Team Name Members Points CPU Time ---------------------------------------------------------------- Team 2ch. 2,343. 65,413. 0:351:18:59:25 A UK PC against Cancer 1,336 792,212. 9:242:00:23:56 TECHSIDE.NET 1,328 347,659. 4:301:16:44:06 Vulture Central II.. 1,172 1,064,506 13:304:13:48:56 AMDZone.com 1,078 843,022 10:038:00:46:36 Black & White. 713. 27,510. 0:124:00:31:53 NCTU Taiwan 692 238,949. 4:094:22:27:34 Intel Against Cancer. 659 910,677 11:246:19:48:11 Hungary. 539 270,729. 3:111:10:49:26 Dutch Power Cows against cancer . 478 340,620. 4:265:23:38:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------- (2001/04/13 00:45 JST) 対に2位に1000差。TECHSIDE.NET、あとちょっとが、なかなか……。
◇◆◇◆ 最新状況 ◆◇◆◇ Team Name Members Points CPU Time ---------------------------------------------------------------- Team 2ch. 2,410. 65,413. 0:351:18:59:25 TECHSIDE.NET 1,338 347,659. 4:301:16:44:06 A UK PC against Cancer 1,337 792,212. 9:242:00:23:56 Vulture Central II.. 1,174 1,064,506 13:304:13:48:56 AMDZone.com 1,080 843,022 10:038:00:46:36 Black & White. 724. 27,510. 0:124:00:31:53 NCTU Taiwan 702 238,949. 4:094:22:27:34 Intel Against Cancer. 664 910,677 11:246:19:48:11 Hungary. 541 270,729. 3:111:10:49:26 Dutch Power Cows against cancer . 480 340,620. 4:265:23:38:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------- (2001/04/13 02:07 JST) Team2ch TECHSIDE.NET 2大日本チーム、堂々のワンツー体制!
これ入れて今も動かしてるけど、何回も 「Unable to connect to the server...」 って出て解析始めないんだけど・・・何故に?
最小化して開いたら 「The UD sgent has encounterd a problem while attempting to connet to the UD sever. If you are not online,please initiate a network contention at your contenvenience.」 ってウィンドウが出てきた・・・
原文 The UD agent has encountered a problem while attempting to connect to the UD server. If you are not online,please initiate a network connection at your convenience. If you are online,the UD server may be temporarily offline for maintenance. The agent will automatically communicate when either problem is solved.
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Result Points Total CPU Time Team Name Members Returned Generated (y:d:h:m:s) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team 2ch 2,583 1,843 201,245 3:029:12:59:03 TECHSIDE.NET 1,391 4,243 520,185 7:087:06:11:57 A UK PC against Cancer 1,474 5,604 955,821 11:277:04:38:50 Vulture Central II 1,235 8,240 1,287,597 16:227:11:42:56 AMDZone.com 1,148 7,284 1,040,709 12:132:22:23:47 Black & White 757 701 83,753 1:020:16:35:38 Intel Against Cancer 746 7,674 1,132,237 14:165:07:28:35 NCTU Taiwan 736 2,974 321,369 5:278:08:47:14 Hungary 563 1,923 334,575 4:060:22:54:55 Dutch Power Cows against cancer 517 2,654 411,518 5:230:14:11:02
Result Points Total CPU Time Team Name Members Returned Generated (y:d:h:m:s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Team 2ch 2,583 1,843 201,245 3:029:12:59:03 TECHSIDE.NET 1,391 4,243 520,185 7:087:06:11:57 A UK PC against Cancer 1,474 5,604 955,821 11:277:04:38:50 Vulture Central II 1,235 8,240 1,287,597 16:227:11:42:56 AMDZone.com 1,148 7,284 1,040,709 12:132:22:23:47 Black & White 757 701 83,753 1:020:16:35:38 Intel Against Cancer 746 7,674 1,132,237 14:165:07:28:35 NCTU Taiwan 736 2,974 321,369 5:278:08:47:14 Hungary 563 1,923 334,575 4:060:22:54:55 Dutch Power Cows against cancer 517 2,654 411,518 5:230:14:11:02
順位 Team Name Members Points Total CPU Time(y:d:h:m:s) 昨日の 1 Team 2ch 2,583 1,843 201,245 3:029:12:59:03 - 2 TECHSIDE.NET 1,391 4,243 520,185 7:087:06:11:57 - 3 A UK PC against Cancer 1,474 5,604 955,821 11:277:04:38:50 - 4 Vulture Central II 1,235 8,240 1,287,597 16:227:11:42:56 - 5 AMDZone.com 1,148 7,284 1,040,709 12:132:22:23:47 - 6 Black & White 757 701 83,753 1:020:16:35:38 - 7 Intel Against Cancer 746 7,674 1,132,237 14:165:07:28:35 - 8 NCTU Taiwan 736 2,974 321,369 5:278:08:47:14 - 9 Hungary 563 1,923 334,575 4:060:22:54:55 - 10 Dutch Power Cows against cancer 517 2,654 411,518 5:230:14:11:02 -
>>652 Points/Total CPU Time でしょ?<チームのマシンスペック ResultReturned ってあんまり関係ないような気する・・・ Best20やってみたけど、トップとの差は2~3割程度 2位のTECHSIDE.NETとは10%もないみたい メンバー各人が稼働率あげればPointsでトップも十分あり得る感じ
>>847 Main 画面の「View your scores and rewards」をクリックした先では、 どのように表示されている?? そこにポイントがちゃんと表示されていれば、明日の朝9時頃に、メンバ 一覧に反映されると思う。(2、3日反映されない人も居るみたいだけど) UD Agent は、解析部分は安定して動いているけど、表示したり、サーバと データをやり取りする部分には、まだまだバグが多いみたい。 もしかすると、次の解析結果を上げるときに、同時に反映されるかもしれ ないし。 とりあえず、待ってみるのが吉。ちゃんと結果を上げているのならば、最 後にはちゃんと反映してくれると思う。