> Someday we would know better way to communicate with each other more than such charges against each other. > Anyway, still team 2ch is best. :) > Next round should be there, I hope. > Sincerely, Hiroyuki.
Someday we would know better way to communicate with each other more than such charges against each other. Anyway, still team 2ch is best. :) Next round should be there, I hope. Sincerely, Hiroyuki.
Someday we would know better way to communicate with each other more than such charges against each other. Anyway, still team 2ch is best. :) Next round should be there, I hope. Sincerely, Hiroyuki.
Name Members CPU Time Points Results ----------------------------------------------------------- U.S.A. 122,227 87,501:174:02:52:38 11,188,038,445 76,245,995 U.K. 57,001 25,625:201:21:31:52 2,809,528,364 20,162,920 JAPAN 24,716 15,693:237:13:01:38 2,000,309,625 12,565,247 Team 2ch. 35,805 12,466:035:06:34:14 1,611,609,829 9,385,513
(・∀・)ニヤニヤ >>175 >Someday we would know better way to communicate with each other more than such >charges against each other. Anyway, still team 2ch is best. :) >Next round should be there, I hope. >Sincerely, Hiroyuki. > >お互い喧嘩するより良い付き合い方を知る日がいつか来るさ。とにかく、ちーむ2chいずべすと。 >つぎはUD出会いましょう。 >んじゃ! ひろゆき > >http://www.2ch.net
,.,__,.、、、_. ,.:‐'^~ ヽ```^ト‐、 ,.r'レ' !) `ト:、 /!!l レi fv! 、 ,.`l i:; ;i , ri !'i i'V 、、、i、!ヽ` W.i i l /// '´l,. l ` 、ヽw 、ヽ i i i l l l l iィ!' ‐' ヲ il ミ 、 Wヽw !トv.i !i !l ,.:'i ミ ‐'‐i ヽ ミミ .r‐‐:.、 ヽ!` !.V !Al / l ーノ `、ー._ヽ. ``ーy.,__, , ,._ ri‐' ,! i l f > ‐ >, l./ i/l l li li _,,,.r;:.トv!l ! l.ヽ. /!lL=vニi‐l:lーlill,.ハト!';_,==,' l ! ヽ. [,Y l =.≧!=i‐ト、l.l k`ー'´ レ´ \ーi! ` ̄´'''´ ´ 〈ヽ i `iー!、 ._,.i:' i / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ `;! !、 _ヽ‐' / l r‐'.!、 ヽ、 .r.:'`='「) イ < UD厨学生復活か!? / ヽ:、 ヽ、 ヽミ===!'; /l〈 l ノ `‐‐≧:.、 ー‐'' ,./ i > \_______ __/ \_ `` ー―iイ / 〈、_ __/ \_ l .ト, `ー:.、 _/ ヽ.、_____」 l' ~^ー:.、 _/ `‐',,、 !、i _/―'''ー‐、 ! i i `i
>>698 UD organiser ちょっと前まったく同じことを聞いてきたどこかの寮生いたよね。 UD organiser入れるとか言っていたけど、ちゃんとできたのかな? 報告がないのでわからないけれど、たぶんそれでできるのではないでしょうか。 英語のサイトなので読むのは大変だと思うけれどやってみてください。 もしちゃんと動くようなら、(同じような状況の人が結構いるみたいだし)後進のために 導入方法など報告きぼんぬ。
Someday we would know better way to communicate with each other more than such charges against each other. Anyway, still Team 2ch is best. :) Next round should be there, I hope. FYI, FYI2 Sincerely, Hiroyuki.
2001/7/4 Name Members Results Points CPU Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team 2ch 7,918 (+18) 377,342 (+6,993) 39,021,587 (+4,483,607) 575:277:19:30:00