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チョト質問です。 一旦PC電源切ったらタスクバーのところにあのマークでないんですけど なんでなんでしょうか?? プログラム→スタートアップ→UDにすると Another instance of the UD agent is already running ってでます。 正常に解析しているのでしょうか?
本家UDフォーラムに登録してる人にお願いです。 これPostしていただけませんか? ↓タイトル SENBAZURU - a paperfolding wishing peace and every cancer patients' recovery
Team 2ch members now making paper crane for Hiroshima. The handcraft is called Senbazuru (means thousand of paper cranes). They are made wishing for someones peace, and usually we do it for friends sick in bed wishing his recovery.
Anyone interested in this Origami(paperfolding), see this flash animations and make one by your hands. It's a fun.
you can find other "How-to"s in internet by searching term "origami".
We would place the Senbzuru on Hiroshima memorial park, but you can use it as you like (such as an interior or party decorations… or present for your friends!)
いくつかミスとか判りづらい表現が見られたので>>534を修正 ちなみにこれはTeam 2ch for CancerReserchProject とは全く別物なので 勝手に名前を使うのには断固反対です。
SENBAZURU - a paperfolding wishing peace and recovery for every cancer patient
Team 2ch members are now making paper cranes for Hiroshima. The handcraft is called Senbazuru (means one thousand paper cranes). They are made wishing for someones peace, and usually we do it for friends sick in bed..
Anyone interested in this Origami(paperfolding), see this flash animations and try yourself. It's a fun.
You can find other "How-to"s on internet by searching a term "origami".
We would place the Senbzuru on Hiroshima memorial park, but you can use it as you like (such as an interior or party decorations… or a present for your friends!)