>201 41世紀を目指す名無しさん http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/cancer/ipstatement.html こちらがガン・白血病解析に関するページですが、 最低限UD,オックスフォード大,全米ガン研究財団のWebサイト上に結果を公表するであろう。 と、ありますね。 At a minimum, United Devices, the University of Oxford and NFCR will post results and developments on their respective Web sites.
>201の炭疽病のほうのページには、 合衆国政府と他の友好的な政府にとって入手可能になるようにするであろう。 The ranked list of hits which could form the basis for a protection against Anthrax will be made available without restriction to the United States Government and other friendly Governments
http://forum.ud.com/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000113 We have updated one of the eligibility requirements for the Make-A-Wish program, UD will make donations for every individual who participates in the United Devices' Volunteer Your PC program, even if they are not participating in all projects. You still need to complete the city, state and country fields of your member profile. This change is retro-active to the beginning of this quarter, January 1, 2002.