Windows2000Server TerminalService Problem (UDAgent bug) In case of analyze on Windows2000ServerTerminalService, enable send not completed task. (Win2000Serverターミナルサービスで解析する場合、完成していないタスクの送信が可能です) Please bugfix this bug. (どうかこのbugを修正して下さい)
User can make UD agent send uncompleted results to UD server with running it on Win2K Server's Terminal Service. It is shame that some UD members cheating UD project with this bug. Please fix this bug as soon as possible.
With running UD agent on Win2K Server's Terminal Service, user can make UD agent send uncompleted results to the UD server. It is shame that some UD members are cheating the project with this bug. Please fix this bug as soon as possible.