Team 2ch---------5127--4693934Point TECHSIDE.NET-----1816--3191615Point Yen-e JAPAN-------531---789700Point saposapo----------175 TeamATC-----------116----96075Point Team mo-ita@2ch----66----66115Point TEAM URANEWS-------65----57047Point Team DORCOM--------48----66993Point
K6-2/400のマシンでエラーが出てた。 Get Time Error Error No:6 なんじゃこりゃ? Task CPU Timeは「Error」になってるし、 エラーウインドウが消しても消しても出てくる。 何とかsnooze→exitして、終了して、再起動したら。 Task CPU Timeが、一瞬マイナス表示になり、0にもどった。 タスクは続けて20%ぐらいから処理を再開。 このままつづけて大丈夫か?20%分の時間を損した。 データが飛ばなかっただけでも、ましなのか?
250,000 Volunteer Your PC Members Help Fight Cancer Posted 04/18/01 We would like to thank the 250,000 PC volunteers around the world who are contributing their computers to the Intel-United Devices Cancer Research Project. Thanks to the overwhelming response, we can provide very rich and thorough results to the University of Oxford for further research. The project is expected to run for 12 months. Over the course of the next year, look for new proteins to be added and new molecules to be included for analysis. And, as always, encourage others to participate - the more people involved, the better our chances of helping find a cure. We are currently at 15 million processing hours and counting.