There is a human being of the stance like Yutaka. There is a human being of the stance like Yi. There is a human being of the stance except it, too. The human being of the various points of view exists at the same time. It is the bulletin board which it calls 2ch.
Yuataka.H氏の発言 Even if it is the machine of my low capability for home use as small sand gathers and the big beach is formed, it wishes becoming the foundation which develops the medicine for treating when, leukemia, and cancer. 例え俺のマシンが貧弱でも…小さな砂が大きな砂浜を作っているように…白血病の治療薬を開発する土台になってくれればいい。
Team Captain: "What happen ?" Newbie 1: "Somebody set up us the molecule from hell." Newbie 2: "We get signal." Team Captain: "What !" Newbie 3: "Main screen turn on."
(United Devices logo appears)
Team Captain: "It's them !!" UD: "How are you gentlemen !!" UD: "All your molecule are belong to us." UD: "You are on the way to big prizes." Team Captain: "What you say !!" UD: "You have no chance to save take your time." UD: "Ha ha ha ha ...."
Newbie 4: "Captain !!" Team Captain: "Buy up every Pentium 4!" Team Captain: "You know what you doing." Team Captain: "Run Pentium 4." Team Captain: "For great prizes."
Team Captain:何事だ。 Newbie 1:誰かが、我々に凶悪な分子を仕掛けました。 Newbie 2:信号を傍受しました。 Team Captain:何! Newbie 3:メインスクリーンに転送します。 (UDのロゴ表示) UD :ごきげんよう諸君。 君たちの分子はすべて我々の支配下にある。 君たちは素晴らしい賞品への過程にいる。 Team Captain:なんだと! UD:君らに残された時間はあとわずかだ。 UD:HAHAHAHAHA Newbie 4:キャプテン! Team Captain:全員Pentium 4を買え! Team Captain何をするかはわかっているな! Team Captain: Pentium 4 起動! Team Captain:豪華賞品のためだ!