294 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 投稿日:04/12/11 14:59:44 ID:B1m2Kvoa ttp://www.necdirect.jp/water/ NEC Direct VALUESTAR G タイプTZ Athlon64(Socket754) 3000+ Windows XP Home Edition SP2 コンボドライブ メモリ512MB HDD250GB これで72870円( ゚д゚) 誰か特攻しませんか? 自分は金ないので無理ですが(´・ω・`)
The UD Agent has encountered a problem while attempting to send resalts to the UD Server. This may occur if the UD Server cannot find any suitable workunits for your Agent, because the UD Server is offline for maintenance,or because your computer is not online. If you are not online,please initiate a network connection at your convenience. The Agent will autmatically communicate when the problem is solved.