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Mission UD:白血病等のがん患者を救え!175Ligands

495 :名無しさん? :04/12/09 18:53:41 ID:???
Do not, I repeat, do not ever underestimate the power or
a FrontpagePost thanks to the commitment of content-groep
and your Pv-er Blue_man can welcome we today 54 new members.
Again a terrible result of a bit successful markteting strategy
and a large step in the good direction in the fight against
cancer (and the other teams). All most welcome and as your
still questions if simply along have wanted come, you can
here something mails without delay Pour in of fresh blood not
yet has ensured directly a significant output increase, but
that will come the coming days, however. I look at now already
to. Beside the new number of members, is there still a little
shocking communicate. Flusher of the day then but: Smetske,
proficiat and try hold this hè There are finally still 3
divide mile piles. Mastertje, naisunev and Erwin 'ik have
problems with lidwoorden' from the bunch all proficiat.
I am curious what will bring the day of morning us....
Help with in the fight against cancer and read in the FAQ
how you can the UD install client the same day!


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0ch BBS 2004-02-21