Atlas V: Lockheed Martin Space Systems depends on TADS to develop modern, object-oriented real-time flight control software for the new Atlas V launch vehicle.
The maiden voyage of Lockheed Martin’s first Atlas V rocket lifted off from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral on August 12, 2002, freed from its earthly bonds by flight control software created with DDC-I’s Tartan Ada Development System (TADS).
The effect of translating and executing such a program unit.
The manner in which program units may be combined to form Ada programs.
The predefined program units that a conforming implementation must supply.
The permissible variations within the standard, and the manner in which they must be specified.
Those violations of the standard that a conforming implementation is required to detect, and the effect of attempting to translate or execute a program unit containing such violations.
Those violations of the standard that a conforming implementation is not required to detect.
This standard does not specify:
The means whereby a program unit written in Ada is transformed into object code executable by a processor.
The means whereby translation or execution of program units is invoked and the executing units are controlled.
The size or speed of the object code, or the relative execution speed of different language constructs.
The form or contents of any listings produced by implementations; in particular, the form or contents of error or warning messages.
The effect of executing a program unit that contains any violation that a conforming implementation is not required to detect.
The size of a program or program unit that will exceed the capacity of a particular conforming implementation.
An array object is a composite object consisting of components that have the same subtype. The name for a component of an array uses one or more index values belonging to specified discrete types. The value of an array object is a composite value consisting of the values of its components.
Examples of type declarations with unconstrained array definitions:
type VECTOR is array(INTEGER range <>) of REAL; type MATRIX is array(INTEGER range <>, INTEGER range <>) of REAL; type BIT_VECTOR is array(INTEGER range <>) of BOOLEAN; type ROMAN is array(POSITIVE range <>) of ROMAN_DIGIT;
Examples of type declarations with constrained array definitions:
type TABLE is array(1 .. 10) of INTEGER; type SCHEDULE is array(DAY) of BOOLEAN; type LINE is array(1 .. MAX_LINE_SIZE) of CHARACTER;
Examples of object declarations with constrained array definitions:
GRID : array(1 .. 80, 1 .. 100) of BOOLEAN; MIX : array(COLOR range RED .. GREEN) of BOOLEAN; PAGE : array(1 .. 50) of LINE; -- an array of arrays