public class MyComparer : System.Collections.IComparer { public MyComparer() {
#region IComparer メンバ
public int Compare(object x, object y) { string a = (string)x; string b = (string)y;
//正規表現で末尾の数字を取得 System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(?<num>\\d*)$"); int numA = int.Parse(regex.Match(a).Groups["num"].Value); int numB = int.Parse(regex.Match(b).Groups["num"].Value);
return numA - numB; }
#endregion }
string[] ary = new string[] { "ABC012", "ZZ101", "Z99", "A23", "B11" }; Array.Sort(ary, new MyComparer());
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random,Ada.Text_Io,Ada.Integer_Text_Io,Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Text_Io,Ada.Integer_Text_Io,Ada.Calendar; procedure game Is package R Is New Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(natural); use R; type Four_Array is array(1..4)of Integer; function Generate Return Integer is seed:Generator; begin Reset(seed,Integer(Seconds(Clock)*100)); return Random(Seed) mod 10; end Generate; function Search(Target:Four_array;Seed:In Integer) Return integer Is begin for I in 1..4 loop if Target(I) = Seed then return i; end if; end loop; return 0; end Search; procedure Initialize(computer:In out Four_array) is begin for I in 1..4 loop computer(I):=-1; end loop; end initialize;
procedure Decide(computer:in out Four_array) Is int:Integer; begin Initialize(Computer); for I in 1..4 Loop loop Int:=Generate;exit when Search(computer,Int) = 0; end loop; Computer(I):=Int;delay 0.01; end loop; end Decide; procedure Read(Player:in out Four_array) is int,Index:Integer:=1;Char:character; begin while Index <= 4 Loop Get_Immediate(char); case Char is when '0'..'9' => Int:=Character'Pos(char)-16#30#; if Search(Player,int) /= 0 then New_Line;Put_Line("その値はもう使えません"); for I in 1..Index-1 loop Put(Character'Val(Player(i)+16#30#)); end loop; else Put(char);Player(index):=int;Index:=Index+1; end if; when others => New_Line;Put_Line("0から9までの数値を入れてください"); for I in 1..Index-1 Loop Put(Character'Val(Player(I)+16#30#)); end loop; end case; end loop; end Read;
function Compare(computer,Player:in Four_array) return Boolean is Hit_Count:Integer:=0; Blow_Count:Integer:=0; Search_Result:integer; begin for I In 1..4 Loop Search_Result:=Search(Computer,Player(i)); if Search_Result = I Then Hit_Count:=Hit_Count+1; elsif Search_result /= 0 then Blow_Count:=Blow_Count+1; end if; end loop; New_Line; Put_Line("Hit : "&Integer'Image(Hit_count)); Put_Line("Blow : "&Integer'Image(Blow_count)); if Hit_Count = 4 then return True; end if; return False; end Compare; computer,player:Four_Array; begin Decide(computer); loop Initialize(player); Read(Player); exit when Compare(computer,Player); end loop; end game;
Atlas V: Lockheed Martin Space Systems depends on TADS to develop modern, object-oriented real-time flight control software for the new Atlas V launch vehicle.
The maiden voyage of Lockheed Martin’s first Atlas V rocket lifted off from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral on August 12, 2002, freed from its earthly bonds by flight control software created with DDC-I’s Tartan Ada Development System (TADS).