Unused PC Power to Run Grid for Unraveling Disease By STEVE LOHR The World Community Grid will be introduced by I.B.M. to utilize the untapped computing power from personal computers to help unlock the genetic mysteries of diseases.
The Human Proteome Folding Project analyzes sequence data from the Human Genome to predict how the proteins coded there are likely to function. Since proteins directly affect human health and are key targets in developing disease treatments, understanding their structure and function is critical. At present only a fraction of human protein structures are known -- this project seeks to dramatically increase that number and make the data available to scientists for further study by the end of 2005.
とりあえずこんな感じで ----- World Community Grid の Team 2ch ページです。 Human Proteome Folding Project は、grid.org ( UD Agent ) でも参加が可能です。 このプロジェクトに参加希望の方はぜひ http://www.grid.org/ の方から参加してください。 詳細はこちらのサイトで熟知すべし。http://ud-team2ch.net/ ----- 何バイト書けるか分からんから蹴られるかも知らんけど。
>>851 CPU別 Pen4 i PenM i PenIII i Cele i Ath64 i Xeon i クロック別 3.2GHz i 2.8GHz i 1.8GHz i 1.3GHz i 866MHz i 2800+ i メモリ別 2.0GB i 1.5GB i 768MB i 512MB i 256MB ii OS別 WinXP ii WinMe i WinW2K i