メンバー登録をする際に 「Unable to connect to the UD server. Please try again.」 「If you are using a proxy server, please verify the setting with your network administrator.」 (UDサーバーに接続できませんでした、もう一度試してみてください) (もし、あなたがプロクシサーバーを使用しているなら、 (あなたか)ネットワーク管理者が設定を確認し直してください) この表示が出てきました。
UD Organiser by Mr Fred http://ben.kerrins.net/programs/ud_organiser/home.html This program is designed for use in places (usually offices) which would like to run the United Devices Agent but are unable or unwilling to grant each individual computer access to the Internet.
The Organiser runs from one computer which does have internet access (usually a laptop), and harvests results from all the other computers on the network. Once these results have been returned to the United Devices servers, the program distributes the new work units to the correct computers on the network. This utility requires the installation of Microsoft .NET framework to run which is available via Windows Update.