質問なんですが、UD登録してHDDのサイズとWUやらないにを変更しようとしたんですが、 『 An error has occurred processing your request. Message: Duplicate Device Profile Name Entered 』 と出て変更出来ません。質問箱見たけど載ってなさそうなんでここにカキコしました。 板orスレ違いかもしれませんが教えて下さい。
>>833 "In collaboration with the University of Oxford, the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) and United Devices, Treweren Consultants made its THINK software available for the first large scale virtual screening project, which was sponsored by Intel. The first phase of this project evaluated approximately 3.5 billion molecules against 12 protein targets. In this follow-on project, more protein targets are being evaluated using the latest release of the THINK software."