UDを最近導入したのですが、起動させても Unable to connect to the UD server. とでてしまい解析ができません。自分のPCがインターネッ トに繋がっているのは間違いないです。一度だけ解析がはじまってなんとか できたのですが、また新たなデータをいれようとするとまた同じような メッセージがでてしまいます。なぜこうなるか是非教えてください。俺も 白血病解析に貢献したいんです。スレ違いの質問もうしわけありませんm(__)m
>>100 Hello. This is the leader of Team 2ch. We are the teams on very big BBS of Japan, as you know ranking is always the first place. We give great power to you and cancer medicine development. We always try to improve the team volition. In order to that we assemble sub groups in our Team 2ch. So, we sum up points of sub groups everyday refer to your "Member Detils" page. But that is very troublesome job because the page is present by html file. We want to get each member's score by the CVS file. Please cooperate us and our making volition in order to develop data to find cancer curative medicine. Thank you your cooperation.