>>787 中学生レベルの英語でも構わないのでは?と言ってみるテスト。例えば Hello ! My name is ○○.
I would like to create a team, and I am able to be a captain. Our team is "Team 2ch" which many member has already joined UD Project - We are rated 1st rank at this time,
We are looking forward to be assigned team ID.
で、最後の一行の前に用意してもらうのHPを使うなら We need your hosted web-site.
自分達で用意するなら We are planinig to prepare our website for a team of this project. と加えればOKかも。
I would like to create a team, and I am planning to be a captain.
A team I would like to create is "Team 2ch". 2ch is a Japanese largest bultein board, and many membes have already joined this group of UD Project(正式名称はこれでいいの?) -This team is rated 1st rank in all element at this time-. Therefore, I believe many member would be interested in this new project.
We need your hosted web-site for a team. (HP貰う場合この文使用) We are planinig to prepare our website for a team.(HPいらない場合)
We are looking forward to be assigned team ID. Thank you for reading this e-mail.
インストール後の登録画面でちゃんと記入してLoginをしたのですが Unable to connect to the UD server. Please try again. If you are using a proxy server, please verify the settings with your network administrator. と出てログインできません。串は設定してないのですが…。 なぜでしょう?ファイアウォールは関係ないですよね?