・ Under certain Low memory situations LigandFit may appear to restart over and over again getting work from the server. Generally making sure you have enough free Physical RAM solves the problem. Try shutting down any applications you might not be using and see if the problem goes away. We are investigating the problem at this time.
--------------- Some users have noticed the agent restart LigandFit over and over without completing any work. You will notice your agent running for a few seconds then try to connect back to the UDServers and get more work. The problem appears to be linked to multiple copies of udtapi.dll in the system path. It is unknown why multiple copies have been placed in the path.
To fix the problem the user should use windows file search and look for udtapi.dll. Delete all copies of udtapi.dll that are not in the united devices directory and restart the UD Agent. ---------------
そして、http://www.intel.com/cure/help.htm には現在こう書いてあります。 " Therefore, after August 15th, 2002, Intel will no longer offer interactive support for these programs. "
変更点。 ・ Logs a line when the date is changed. ログに日付が変わった際のラインを入れる ・ Fixed: the filename field on the ".exe to run" was resetting to empty. ".exe to run" の項目が未入力の状態にリセットされる問題を修正
" Member Stats are Offline " http://forum.ud.com/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=000142 --------------- The server that houses all the member stats has run out of space and we are working to fix the problem. Until the problem is fixed you will be unable to access any of the stats pages or your member pages. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. ---------------
Each team must have a web-site, a team captain and a name. You need to e-mail this information to teams@find-a-drug.com , who will assign a team ID. If your web-site is a single page plus reasonable graphics, we will host it. Otherwise, it can be hosted by several other organisation free of charge (eg http://www.e2binternet.com or http://www.freeserve.com).
>>787 中学生レベルの英語でも構わないのでは?と言ってみるテスト。例えば Hello ! My name is ○○.
I would like to create a team, and I am able to be a captain. Our team is "Team 2ch" which many member has already joined UD Project - We are rated 1st rank at this time,
We are looking forward to be assigned team ID.
で、最後の一行の前に用意してもらうのHPを使うなら We need your hosted web-site.
自分達で用意するなら We are planinig to prepare our website for a team of this project. と加えればOKかも。
I would like to create a team, and I am planning to be a captain.
A team I would like to create is "Team 2ch". 2ch is a Japanese largest bultein board, and many membes have already joined this group of UD Project(正式名称はこれでいいの?) -This team is rated 1st rank in all element at this time-. Therefore, I believe many member would be interested in this new project.
We need your hosted web-site for a team. (HP貰う場合この文使用) We are planinig to prepare our website for a team.(HPいらない場合)
We are looking forward to be assigned team ID. Thank you for reading this e-mail.
インストール後の登録画面でちゃんと記入してLoginをしたのですが Unable to connect to the UD server. Please try again. If you are using a proxy server, please verify the settings with your network administrator. と出てログインできません。串は設定してないのですが…。 なぜでしょう?ファイアウォールは関係ないですよね?