Update (11/28 4:00:00 UTC): Still working on it. Making progress on correcting replication script. Will start data reloads from main UD database soon (hours). It will still take 24-36 hours to complete the reloads and bring stats displays on the web site to current time. Hundreds of thousands stats results/transactions per day take time to copy and calculate from the main UD database. Thanks for your continued patience and continued contributions.
I have reopened the statistics display database for the web site and am currently running the last query to bring the stats to near current, however there are several days over the last 3 weeks that need to be recalculated, so there will times over the next 2-3 days when the stats may "not look right". I will post again here once the reload/recalculate process is completed. This only affects a few results per day, but I am trying to get things 100% "right"...not going to accept 99.9%
UD Monitor → Settings → Use 'hard' UD Agent terminationをオンにすると、 UD Monitorがキャッシュを切り替えるときに、 たまーに、「Another instance of the UD Agent is already running」が出て 切り替えがうまくいっていないことがあります。漏れだけかな?
なにかよい回避方法はありませんかねえ? Use 'hard' ~ を使用しないというのも手ですが使用すると微妙に解析スピードがあがりますし。
Region Points Generated NORTH AMERICA 2,400,789,597 ANONYMOUS * 1,821,541,800 EUROPE 1,551,141,252 ASIA 328,597,816 AUSTRALIA/PACIFIC 70,364,751 SOUTH AMERICA 29,137,348 MIDDLE EAST 22,941,366 AFRICA 10,061,523 CENTRAL AMERICA/CARIBBEAN 3,238,011
で以外にもアフリカが最下位ではなく中央アメリカのポイントが 私でも役に立ちそうなポイントなので国籍を SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINESあたりで登録しようかな? と思ってます。 支部どころか人もあまり住んでなさそうな国だけどね、 2chねらが集まったらかなり順位が変動するんだけどなぁ(w